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The Essential 8 Principles of a Growing Marriage

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SKU: 0983541116

What is The Essential 8 Principles of a Growing Marriage all about?

Simply put, this is a hands-on workBook to help you get your marriage on a solid spiritual foundation and keep it there. It is an eight-week plan designed for individual study on a daily basis, and in a small discussion group once per week.

We will take you on a journey of discovery of The Essential Eight Principles (E8) –the timeless, bedrock concepts you need to understand, believe and implement so you will have a marriage that not only lasts, but thrives as well.

And just who is E8 for?
It is for all married couples–from newlyweds and young families to seasoned couples and empty nesters–these principles are timeless and indispensable at every stage of life.

Many marriages are in serious trouble, and countless others, while not in crisis, are far less than satisfying. We believe there is a way out and up, a way to a better place and a brighter future. And the good news is, it's not that complicated! Who says something has to be complex to be effective and life-changing? Any married couple can understand this material, and with some persistence over time, see great results.

What makes us so sure E8 will work? Because the principles we will share with you come from the Bible–the ultimate user manual for life on Planet Earth. God knows what he is doing, and he wants to help us know what we are doing, too! As the old saying goes, "When all else fails, follow the instructions!"It is our firm belief that following God's word is the only sure way to build a great marriage. Other plans and programs can supplement, but scriptural principles are the essential foundation without which all the other methods, as brilliant as they may be, cannot succeed.


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  • International orders take 7-12 business days to be delivered via USPSDHL, or UPS and we ship within 1 business day.
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