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Fairy Tales Do Come True

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SKU: 1941988334

Here are the sixteen principles that you will learn about in this Book: 

  1. Don't rush into marriage. Take the time to know each other and each other's family–well!
  2. When making major decisions (including marriage), make sure Jesus is Lord, and refuse to look back or reconsider–ever.
  3. Make your sexual relationship a priority and don't let hang-ups or backgrounds keep you from adopting God's perspective on sex.
  4. Being one in marriage means our families (both sides) are one as well.
  5. Be open to letting God use people and circumstances to inspire your marriage.
  6. Learn to accept your God-given roles and responsibilities.
  7. Money is more than just about giving to God, it's about being a giver in all aspects of your Christian life.
  8. Make spiritual people your best friends and avoid worldly influences.
  9. Find godly people who can provide spiritual discipling for your marriage relationship.
  10. Accept one another, even your idiosyncrasies and weirdness.
  11. Each spouse must pursue their own individual relationship with God.
  12. Marriage is a team sport, work together to overcome each other's weaknesses.
  13. Remember: your relationship as a couple is more important than any other human relationship.
  14. Never bring your spouse down. Always rise to their level of spirituality.
  15. A great marriage is the most important parenting tool you have.
  16. Your number one goal: get your mate to heaven!

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  • Full price will be displayed on first page of cart on the lower left side of the page. 

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